Message from the DSI Underground Team Reinforcing Progress in times of COVID-19
To all of our employees and business partners
With over 2,000 employees and 25 production facilities worldwide, we are doing everything we can to keep people safe, production running, and deliver to our customers on time.
Reinforcing Progress, our company mission, goes beyond providing ground support solutions for mining and tunneling. It is about helping to provide a firm foundation from which society can build a better and safer future. Our values, reflected in this mission, are ultimately committed to the betterment of our common welfare.
The global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created an unprecedented challenge to everyone in our society, both in terms of the scope of the healthcare requirements and its disruption to the global economy. Our top priority is the health and safety of everyone associated with our business, whether it is an employee, business partner, miner, or worker in the tunneling industry.
We have taken extensive measures to minimize the risk of infection for all our employees and at all our locations. Wherever possible, employees have been encouraged and supported to work from home. For employees, who can only carry out their work on-site, we have set up all precautionary measures and implemented detailed safety and distance regulations to protect them and those they encounter.
We are closely monitoring events and following the guidance from national and international authorities to ensure that our practices are in line with the latest recommendations. Through open-minded collaboration and with a deep sense of personal responsibility, we believe in doing our part to help defeat this virus. We encourage you to take the advice of local governments and set an example to those around you.
As we work our way through this crisis and beyond, we want you to know that we are here to help, and we are ready to provide expertise and resources to our customers and employees.
Acting together with a sense of common purpose, we will succeed. Thank you for your strong support in challenging times! We are all in this together, we wish you and your families good health and endurance during these unprecedented times and our best wishes for the Easter break.
Michael Reich & DSI Underground Team
8 April 2020